About Us
sound money commerce web specialists
AvidCube Studios
Calgary, Alberta
You wouldn’t want to do business with someone you don’t feel comfortable with and neither would we.
So, let us introduce ourselves. We’re AvidCube Studios (ACS), we’re e-commerce specialists, and we’re a web development agency that specializes in sound money commerce. AvidCube was founded by Jeff Cairns, a Registered Professional Engineer in the province of Alberta and an APEGA “Life Member” – having earned his B.Sc. in Engineering (1981) from Queen’s University. He is a serial entrepreneur with numerous years of start-up venture experience in both the petroleum and software industries.
Audio Deep Dive of AvidCube Studios & Sound Money Commerce
Jeff was a co-founder and President of Cityhues Corporation, a private company founded in 1997, involved in the development of community-focused Web portals and business-to-consumer e-commerce initiatives. He was the Vice President of Product Development for VerticalBuilder Solutions from 2000 to 2003 where he led the development of cloud-based collaboration and procurement software tools focused on the Canadian energy industry.

Jeff Cairns, P. Eng.
This is a lovely, although somewhat humourless, semi-likeness of Jeff. It does look a bit like a mugshot, but, we can assure you, it’s not. When Jeff was little, his parents thought he looked like John Diefenbaker (13th Canadian Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963) – luckily, he grew out of it! [Kinda]
In 2003, Jeff founded the AutoHunter network of online automotive portals which had a wide footprint across Canada from 2003 until 2007.
In 2005, together with three partners, Jeff co-founded and was the Chief Operating Officer of Peace Oil Corp, a private Oilsands development company, with a large resource base. The company was sold to a group of private US based investors in 2007 for $18M.
Jeff has significant experience managing and leading teams in the development of web delivered applications, mobile data solutions, custom engineered Content Management Systems, graphic design, website development and corporate digital strategy leadership.
Additionally, Jeff has over 25 years experience in the international and Canadian upstream petroleum industries and has significant direct experience in international operations, corporate financing, business development, production operations, project management and facilities engineering.
From 1992 to 1997, Jeff and his wife (together with their two very young children) lived in Indonesia where he was the Chief Engineer for a large enhanced oil recovery project in Central Sumatra.
You would think Jeff might retire, hang up his hat, pull off his boots and stop working. It’s been considered. The problem is, he thrives on building things – it’s his passion – it’s what keeps him youngish and vibrant – even into his mid sixties.
In his spare time, Jeff enjoys staying fit through weight training and urban walks with his incredible wife, Judy. He parks his boots in Calgary.
The AvidCube product line is just one of the latest things Jeff has created over four decades of diverse career experience. Work with AvidCube and you’ll be working directly with him.
Hope to meet you soon.
Full Disclosure: The NLM Review Group is an AI generated podcasting creation service run by Google. No human was actually involved in the creation of this audio podcast discussion. The audio provided, is intended to demonstrate capabilities of AI and is provided for information only.
what’s in a name?
We’re AvidCube Studios. The AvidCube product line is just one of the cool things we’ve created. We build digital solutions that make life easier for businesses, both small and large.
where’s home?
We hang our hats in YYC. Calgary. Home of the Calgary Stampede and the centre of all that is good in Canada. Yup – we’re Albertans and damned proud of it.
considering a cube?
Our Cubes (website design products) are designed and developed to provide value to your business based on your unique needs and requirements. There is no one size fits all. Let's start a discussion about what we can do for you.