You Need
a website with attitude.
Hey there. We’re AvidCube Studios.
We conceptualize, design, develop and provide incredibly fast, stable, secure websites and e-commerce platforms for business – platforms built to deliver more exposure, more clients and more sales. We are digital craftsmen and e-commerce development specialists.

ok – so what the heck’s a cube?
Our AvidCubes (affectionately referred to as “cubes”) are meticulously packaged and custom configured web-apps / websites that are loaded with features and none of the headaches associated with running your own website.
e-commerce development
We’re e-commerce development specialists. In addition to traditional credit card processing, our Cube products can be configured to allow your business to take Gold and Silver for near instantaneous settlement.
you need a cube.
ok – so what the heck’s a cube?
Our AvidCubes (affectionately referred to as “cubes”) are meticulously packaged and custom-configured web-apps / websites that are loaded with features and none of the headaches associated with running your own website.
We’re e-commerce development specialists. In addition to traditional credit card processing, our Cube products can be configured to allow your business to take Gold and Silver for near instantaneous settlement.
no slow.
Yup. We hate slow. It’s a big time dislike for us .. and we suspect for you and your customers too. That’s why we make sure all our AvidCube sites are meticulously optimized and designed to deliver blazingly fast results. Every cube has our ultra fast caching engine installed and leverages an explosive CDN network so that “server calls” are quick and incredibly responsive.
It’s how we roll. No excuses. Ever.
the 3 pillars.
website design success
Fast, good and inexpensive? Normally we would say, “Nope, not possible. Pick two of the three (fast and inexpensive, but not good or fast and good, but not inexpensive)”.
But, with our AvidCube websites, nirvana is a possibility.
Yup – maybe you can have it all.
professional grade.
e-commerce development
Our cubes are designed with security in mind. They’re small, mighty and pretty much bullet-proof. All our cube websites come with SSL as standard and incorporate robust backup and anti hacking features to give you peace of mind.
You can sleep easy with an AvidCube site. You can.
the cube advantage.
impeccable curated service
What do I get with an AvidCube? Quite a lot actually. We’re happy you asked. First of all, we build, manage and host your Cube. That means you can sit back, build your business and bask in the knowledge that we have your web presence completely covered for you. (SSL, responsive design, incredible graphics, fast and secure hosting, backups – all of it.) Yes sir. AvidCube is a “turnkey” product. Check, check and check.
sound money commerce.
take gold and silver as payment
We specialize in e-commerce solutions that dramatically cut costs, break traditional paradigms and focus on sound money.
Well, we’re Kinesis Pay specialists – which means we can set up a Cube to sell your wares or services for Gold and Silver with near instantaneous settlement and for fees that are under 0.5%!
Interested? It’s probably time to chat.
considering a cube?
Our Cubes (website design products) are designed and developed to provide value to your business based on your unique needs and requirements. There is no one size fits all. Let's start a discussion about what we can do for you.