Website Pricing

a pricing matrix for budgeting purposes

so .. what's it cost?

our website pricing explained

We like to be as transparent as possible when asked what our custom Website Cubes sell for. Problem is – every client and every project is individual and unique – so it’s difficult to give a quick answer to this very reasonable question.

We commit significant time to building out and testing a fully functional Cube project. Some Cube projects involve more time and effort than others, some clients are easy to work with, are responsive and know what they’re looking for – others, not so much – so there really is no standard price.

What we can provide are some guidelines that will give you a pretty good idea of pricing. (At least they’ll put you in the ballpark). For additional detail, check out this article from Forbes regarding website pricing.

Note that we do offer significant discounts for clients who pay in sound money using Kinesis KAU or KAG.

The website pricing numbers presented below were last updated during October, 2024.


Discovery is the process we must undertake to understand the scope and depth of your project and (most importantly) what you hope to achieve, from a business perspective, by proceeding.

During discovery, we’ll chat, have you fill in a form or two, talk about your current methodologies and processes, discuss your style likes and dislikes, collaborate on a few technical issues, discuss budget, discuss timing and confirm your commitment to working together.

After this back and forth we should both have a good idea about what you’re looking for and whether you want to work with us and us with you. Sometimes we’re not a good fit – discovery should sort this out.

We charge a token amount for the discovery process.


price: USD 300

main page

Every Cube project has a main page (front page), so we start there with an inital price to put this together.

As an aside (and likely more detail than you need), this is the point where we will set up our in-house development environment for your project as well as a hosted production environment where your Cube will eventually reside.

During this phase, we also nail down and have you sign-off on a look and feel (design) for your Cube.


price: USD 2500

add sub-pages

Every other page on a cube is deemed a sub-page. (except pages affiliated directly with an e-commerce shop, blog service, or a courseware system). So a site with another 7 pages in addition to the main page would incur an additional cost of USD 4900. 

price: USD 700 each

Note – the minimum fee for sub-pages is USD 3500

add blog service

A fully functional blog service can be added to any Cube project. This includes a central blog directory that lists posts, has comments capability, categorization and tagging, etc.  The blog system includes up to 3 sample posts that we will configure for you. Once the service is launched you can add and manage as many posts as you wish.


price: USD 1800

add e-commerce shop

A fully functional online shop can be added to any Cube project. This includes a shop to list products, a checkout system with a powerful shopping cart, a checkout system that can process payment and shipping fees in fiat currencies or Gold and Silver (if you are a Kinesis Money user), a private secure area for customers to administer their accounts (password changes, shipping/billing address, past orders, etc)

Note: There are several add-ons that can be added to shops, such as subscription payments functionality, coupon capability, integration with Print on Demand (POD) suppliers, etc. These add-ons are an extra fee and can be quoted based on your requirements.


price: USD 2500

add courseware system

Our Courseware Cubes are full learning management systems allowing you to build and present video lessons and/or text lessons, as well as drip-feed content, run content quizzes, present completion badges and certificates, and much more.

The courseware system includes up to 2 sample courses that we will configure for you (based on your content). Once the service is launched you can add and manage as many courses as you wish.

Note: The courseware system will incur annual fees for 3rd party plugin developers. We bill these fees to you at cost (approx $700/annum).


price: USD 2800

add cube care

Our managed hosting and maintenance service is called “Cube Care”. This is our own proprietary managed hosting designed to provide a turnkey, peace-of-mind solution that focuses on performance, security and ease of use.

You can learn more about cube care.


price: USD 125/month

add extras

As with any project, there always be changes and adjustments to the scope and needs as the project moves forward. We will endeavour to minimize these extras, but sometimes they are unavoidable.  We handle all of these issues on an hourly fee basis. (And always pre-approved by the client).


price: USD 150/hour

website pricing examples

These example Cube pricing scenarios are based on the pricing guidelines above.



A basic corporate website with a main page, a contact page, a privacy policy page, a products page and an FAQ page. (A main page with 4 subpages. But, minimum is 5 sub-page charge.)

PRICE ESTIMATE = $2500 + (5 x $700) = $6000 USD
Add discovery fee $300 = $6300 USD TOTAL



A corporate website with a main page, a contact page, a privacy policy page, a TOS page, a products page, an about page, an FAQ page, plus full e-commerce shop with payment processing in fiat currency and Gold/Silver (A main page with 6 sub-pages and an e-commerce shop.)

PRICE ESTIMATE = $2500 + (=6 x $700) +  $2500 = $9200 USD
Add discovery fee $300 = $9500 USD TOTAL



A corporate website with a main page, a contact page, a privacy policy page, a TOS page, a products page, an about page, a gallery page, an FAQ page, plus a blog system and full e-commerce shop with payment processing in fiat currency and Gold/Silver (A main page with 8 sub-pages, a blog system and an e-commerce shop.)

PRICE ESTIMATE = $2500 + (=7 x $700) +1800 +  $2500 = $11700 USD
Add discovery fee $300 = $12000 USD TOTAL


The prices presented on this page are merely guidelines to assist you in compiling a website budget and are subject to change at any time, without prior notice.

Website Pricing Avidcube Studios

still have pricing questions?

we'd be pleased to answer

There’s no obligation inferred if you reach out to us with additional website pricing and budgeting queries. We won’t hard-sell you. It’s simply not our style – nor is it something we like ourselves.

what’s in a name?

We’re AvidCube Studios. The AvidCube product line is just one of the cool things we’ve created. We build digital solutions that make life easier for businesses, both small and large.

where’s home?

We hang our hats in YYC. Calgary. Home of the Calgary Stampede and the centre of all that is good in Canada. Yup – we’re Albertans and damned proud of it.

considering a cube?

Our Cubes (website design products) are designed and developed to provide value to your business based on your unique needs and requirements. There is no one size fits all. Let's start a discussion about what we can do for you.

AvidCube Studios™
505 4St SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 1V6